Acupuncture helps the body fight its own battles with no side effects. Pain, depression, anxiety, addictions, gynecological care, immune strengthening, and neurological conditions are some of the conditions it can treat.
I create a relaxing environment and often use other Chinese Medicine techniques such as cupping, tui na (medical massage), or heat therapy in addition to acupuncture. I spend about an hour with my patients.
I will suggest exercises, nutritional changes, or offer an herbal prescription if appropriate. The herbs I use carry the highest standards and are tested for authenticity and impurities.
Chinese Medicine is at its best with chronic conditions, preventative care, and longevity. I will work with you to develop a plan to use acupuncture and Chinese medicine to improve your overall wellness.
Descanso Medical Building
1346 Foothill Blvd., suite 104 La Canada, CA 91011 |
[email protected]
323 333 3258 |